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world press freedom day

world press freedom day

today is world press freedom day, which is nothing more than a reminder of the importance of press freedom and its fundamental contribution to building democratic societies. at a time when we face serious problems of disinformation and when so many journalists are risking their lives, it is essential to promote and protect journalism. it is the only way to ensure that the stories of the world we live in come to light, whether they are about conflicts, migration crises, climate challenges, corruption or election campaigns. in addition to daily newspapers around the world that bring us news of interest, there are many other publications of interest that bring us information we don't want to miss. 







cláudia cavaleiro the editor in chief for CINCO editorial. born in '82 in coimbra, she is graduated in philosophy from the university of coimbra. passionate about books and podcasts in a geek kind of way, she always find something interesting to research. loves to bring awareness to social problems and loves working at CINCO!

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